Our Company

The medical system is a continuous transformation in adapting to new conditions that occur over time. This makes the products and supplies needed to be changing. To keep pace with these new requirements, there is necessarily a medical market knowledge, a permanent contact to the market.
Dental system is a part of the entire medical system in Romania. Dental products in Romania get through import from various regions of the world. Although their quality is controlled by laws imposed by the EU on their entry into the European Community. There are products from cheap side to the most expensive one and there is a market for each of them.
Our goal is to bring to the customer what is needed, while considering the financial capability of this market. There are cheap but good quality products doing what they suppose to do. There are supplies at affordable prices that work as well. Our duty is to adapt to the Romanian market and try to provide equipment and supplies to cover all areas of dental system.
Having trained staff in this area and contact to the pulse of this market we hope that our company will fully satisfies all clients who visit us.